Your Thoughts & Memories

Transcription of entries from the visitors' book & post-it notes left on the final 'Voices & Choices' exhibition panel commemorating the centenary of the Armistice.


Transcription of entries in the Visitors' Book


Very surreal! Can't quite comprehend! May it never happen again.


Regardless of our country of origin, we must join hands and be world friends!  This is the only way we can move forward and progress.


A deeply moving exhibition which makes those who have not experienced war aware of its terrible consequences.   In the present climate of rising intolerance, fascism and populism we should not forget what happened in the not very distant past.


Dear Lord, Hold those soldiers who died in conflict in your arms.  Hear my prayer.


Lord God! Thank you that you paid the ultimate sacrifice on the Cross, in the person of your Son, Jesus Christ. No more wars ought ever to be fought again.


Very moving exhibition. May it never happen again.


It won't happen again if we keep our defences up. Democracy has its enemies.  We cannot take it for granted.  I served as an army reservist in the Cold War period (Fusiliers). 'If you want peace, be prepared for war.'


Please change your mind if you think war is inevitable. God did not do this to us – we did it!


God bless them all.


There are no victors in war.  We are all sufferers of the horrors and hardships war brings.  How wonderful it would be if we humans sorted other ways of dealing with conflict – so often based on greed and pride – if we could and did find other ways of resolving differences.  Sadly, with drones and nuclear weapons we can now kill millions without leaving the comfort of our armchairs.  Sorry to be so despairing.


A well-documented and informative display.  Very moving and poignant.  Remembering those who fought and died for us.


Many thanks for a special exhibition.  Violence and hatred are overcome – in the end – by forgiveness and love, not by more hatred.

(Written by the son of a man who was born in the Belgian refugee camp in Birtley.)


Remembering all those who sacrificed their lives for their country.


A thought-provoking and timely exhibition.  It is hoped that after the 100 year mark, the war does not pass from shared consciousness and become just 'dates' like 1066 etc.


Lovely exhibition, hope the next war is not in my lifetime.


Very powerful display.


Very sad to read but very moving and poignant.


Very poignant exhibition, very moving and thought-provoking.


What a great display to remember our soldiers.


I am most appreciative of the booklet which will allow us to read quietly at home the events of the past.


So pleased to see the breadth of the displays – conscientious objection, the voices of French and German townspeople.  We lose so much when we stop talking and take up arms.  Praying that we may all do what we can to prevent future armed conflict.


A very moving exhibition and well worth taking the time to read the transcripts  Sadly, man’s inhumanity to man goes on.


Found everything interesting and fascinating.


An excellent presentation, it really makes one think.


A moving exhibition.  When will wars ever end?


Thought-provoking exhibition.


One of our favourite places to visit.  Thank you.


Thank you – a thoughtful and well-presented exhibition.  May it never happen again.  Make peace.  Speak up.  Make the right choices.


Most moving and reading the Metzingen testimonies reminds us all that we should never again make war on our neighbours.  Rather we should follow the Great Commandment (the Sh’ma prayer).


This excellent exhibition is a counterpoint to the bombast of national leaders and dictators who lead countries to war.


Excellent exhibition, well set out and very moving.  The audio was a great bonus.  Thank you.


Excellent exhibition.  We should never forget what sacrifices they made for us, very sad but true.


Wonderful link between three communities.  It reminds us that we are all just people, citizens, citizens of Europe, and only together can we try to preserve peace.


What an excellent thought-provoking and inspiring project.  Well done. ‘Patriotism is a rogue’s refuge’. We are all citizens of one world and have only one short, mortal life.


Fantastic exhibition.  Seeing all sides of WW1 from soldiers and how it affected people’s lives.  Thank you.


An excellent account of individual struggles in WW1. Very thought-provoking.  Thank you.


I also found it thought-provoking.  Especially moving after hearing Andrew Greaves’ telling of his grandfather’s treatment as a CO in WW1.


Very sobering exhibition and very interesting to read the Conscientious Objectors’ accounts.  This is why we should stay in the European Union and contribute to peace.


A most interesting and moving exhibition.  We should teach our children this and the respect for the combatants taken far from their homes.


The point of Town Twinning is so that we get to know and understand each others’ way of life, and we do this by staying with families in Noyon and Metzingen. The people involved have enjoyed these experiences very much.  We need to continue our friendship with friends in Europe and to work together to keep the peace.


‘In mindful remembrance and friendship, delivered a bit of yesterday today’.  God bless us all.


I so much liked your exhibition!  It is very important to honour and remember the war dead of a nation and to respect one’s military.  It is even more important to look ahead and to try to prevent war in any country (Syria etc) as much as this is at all possible.  This is best achieved by countries working together and finding and supporting peaceful ways to prevent war and conflict.  The past must be remembered so we can learn from it, but learning will only be achieved by deeper understanding, reflection and application of knowledge to newer circumstances, rather than remaining entirely constricted by a mainly patriotic or one nation view.


Wonderful, thoughtful exhibition.


Excellent exhibition, thought-provoking and very moving. Huge sacrifices made by so many – let’s hope it is not ever required again in the future.  Thank you to everyone who did their bit and provided me with a lifetime of opportunity.  So grateful.


This is such an amazing and thought-provoking exhibition.  Wonderful for the local area.  So many men lost!  My great uncle survived the Great War, only to die three months later in February 1919.  He died of pneumonia in a clearing-station in Belgium.


My grandfather served in WW1 and survived although he had been gassed.  He never spoke of his experiences except to say to his son, my father, at the outbreak of WW2, ‘If I thought you will have to go through what went through, I would rather strangle you now with my own bare hands.’


Excellent exhibition.  Congratulations to all concerned in putting it together.  Long may the friendships between our countries continue to develop and exist.  ‘Lest we forget.’  Thank you.


Thank you.  May we never forget and may we strive for peaceful solutions, putting aside pride and greed and power-seeking.


The exhibition is very interesting and shows how much suffering there was on both sides in the First World War.


Thank you for mounting and stewarding this moving exhibition.  Much appreciated that you keep the memory of the suffering alive and the contributions to the war effort made by local people.


What a truly moving display.  It really spoke to me, particularly as a Conscientious Objector (on Christian grounds) to military service in 1955.


Most moving and demonstrates the futility of such warfare.


A very moving and descriptive exhibition, bringing home the futility of war.


A wonderful exhibition, bringing back to life the tremendous job those men and women did to give us the life in UK we have today.


Very poignant and instructive.  Thank you.





Transcription of Post-it notes

(responses left on the final panel)


My grandfather was a Northumberland Hussar who served 1914–18, gassed once and suffered in later life from that.  Why are we leaving the EU?


We would not forget you.  Love, Archie and Riley.


‘Give Peace a Chance.’


It’s politicians who start wars but don’t fight in them themselves.  We citizens shouldn’t support their war-mongering.


I think of how brutal it must have been.  It is fantastic how so many people went out and fought for their country and how brave they were.  We shall never forget this time in history.


I would like the UK to adopt a posture of neutrality, like Switzerland and Austria, and divert ‘defence’ (=war) spending to areas of great social need like the NHS and schools.


This exhibition makes me think how important it is to remain part of Europe. We have suffered together and out of that is something deeper than mindless war.


A very personal approach.  Reminds us to care for one another, to make each other happy and to make peace.


God bless NATO for keeping Europe safe for 70 years.


Remember that we have had 70 years of peace in Europe helped by working together with other countries in the EU.


We all have a choice.  Choose wisely.


Never forget those who fought for our country!


Thoughtful and very moving.  War has not changed, men still do evil. How great to know our God is with us!


We must remember them for their selfless sacrifice.  It is because of them that we can live our lives in freedom!


Remembering those who worked for peace is just as much part of remembrance as remembering those who died in military service.


Thank you.


The up-close and personal perspective of this exhibition is truly touching.


A very moving exhibition.  But have we learned anything from this?


Thank you for the sacrifices and endurance to make it a better world.  Lest we forget. Xx


Make peace not war.  Never forget.


Please God, never again!


Never forget the moment of silence is on 11.11.18.


My grandad fought in both wars.  He never spoke about it … no wonder …


Let us not forget that peace is the greatest benefit of the European Union.


A very moving and thought-provoking exhibition. I will spread the word to my friends.

Thank you. 


What a wonderful link between three communities.  REMEMBER!  We are all just people, citizens, citizens of Europe,  Let’s stick together and work for peace.


We are all citizens of the world – not just Europe.  Peace to the whole world.