We are delighted to say we have now had live streaming equipment installed into the Abbey. With these, we are able to live stream any service (baptism, wedding, funeral or Eucharist) to anywhere in the world. This means we no longer have a seperate service via Zoom on a Sunday, and you won't have to rely on emails to join the a service, simply follow the steps below to join in with our live streamed services.
The link for the live streamed service is here: Hexham Abbey Live Streaming - YouTube
To gain access without the above link simply:
· Visit www.youtube.com
· Type ’Hexham Abbey Live Streaming’ into the search box
The live stream on a Sunday morning will go live from 9.45am and once you locate the page, the service will just start automatically. The service is a public event and anyone can join and watch without need for a password or ID. You just revisit the same page each week! For any questions, please email the Parish Office, but we hope you find this as easy as we have tried to make it.
Please be careful not to just go to the ‘Hexham Abbey’ YouTube page, as this will not take you to the live stream; it must be ‘Hexham Abbey Live Streaming’.
Following the live streamed service on Sunday, we have set up a Zoom Coffee and Chat session where those watching virtually will still be able to come together for socialising afterwards. For this, you will need to log back onto Zoom, the details are:
Sunday Zoom Coffee and Chat, 11am
Meeting ID: 921 451 14689
Password: 674674