The new year brings with it huge challenges regarding Coronavirus, and the PCC has had to make some difficult decisions regarding worship in the Abbey. The challenge has been further complicated by the fact that the Abbey church is currently closed because of the roof works and worship was due to take place in the Great Hall.
With huge sadness we have decided NOT to hold public worship for the time being and our worship will once again be via Zoom. We do appreciate that H.M. Government is allowing public worship, but we feel that the current heightened threat, combined with the more challenging logistical setting of the Great Hall, makes this the sensible approach as we balance the need for people’s safety with the huge importance of public worship.
We will review this decision at the end of January.
Therefore, until further notice, the service schedule is as follows:
Sundays 10am Abbey Morning Worship via Zoom
Wednesdays 7pm Abbey Evening Worship via Zoom
Monday – Friday 9am Morning Prayer via Zoom
For the Wednesday and Sunday services Zoom login details and service sheets will be sent out in the usual way.
The login for Morning Prayer will not be sent out daily, but you can obtain the link for this by emailing the Parish Office.
There will be no service sheet for Morning Prayer. Please download and use the Church of England’s Daily Prayer App.
The Zoom Coffee Lounge will continue each Wednesday.
Unfortunately, NO other activities, including Choir Practices, will be allowed to take place in the Abbey, or Priory Buildings, until the current lockdown ends.
We very much hope that we will continue to worship together, albeit online, and hold each other in our prayers. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Rector on 07886289311 or rector@hexhamabbey.org.uk if you would like help in any way.
Stay safe and every blessing.